Why you should not enter the lawn during winter?

Much has already been written about walking on lawns during winter. Imagine a fresh strawberry, gently squeezed and allowed to freeze, then put into a bowl and allowed to thaw. Will it have the same structure that it did before freezing...?
Why you should not enter the lawn during winter?

…of course not. Cells were damaged and lost their firmness, the strawberry is now more like a watery mass in the shape of a strawberry. The same thing happens to the cells of the blades of grass. When frozen, they can be damaged by mechanical pressure. Footprints that are visible on the lawn may remain for weeks after the start of the new season.

You may not damage the surface of a thawed lawn, but you can turn it slushy. So, do not walk on the lawn during winter unless absolutely necessary, and if you have to, do not use the same path all the time. For example, use flagged sticks to create barriers that delineate areas that should not be walked over. This can work with kids, a dog, a wife or a husband. If your lawn turns slushy, try to sprinkle it lightly with sand to prevent the muddy parts from sticking to your shoes.

And a special treat for the end. It has snowed and somebody arrives by car – a lazy neighbour, your mother-in-law, the delivery service... They neither know nor care where the road ends and your lawn starts. They drive over your lawn with their car as seen in the picture. A lot of damage is done and the damaged lawn may not recover. I assume that the tire tracks will be visible until May...


Damaged lawn

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